Seltsame E-Mail bekommen

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Seltsame E-Mail bekommen

Beitragvon Sven » Fr, 21.02.2014, 17:01:15

ich habe jetzt schon vor einiger Zeit eine Seltsame E- Mail bekommen auf Englisch.
Kann mir einer die vielleicht Übersetzten, Horst Schröder ist mein Papa geht los:

Hello horst.schroeder3

I know you were expecting to hear back from me much earlier but I didn't want to get back to you empty-handed. I finally found the perfect stock for you and I am confident that it will make you some serious profit.
Remember the one I told you about in November of last year right? You did very well on it and I think this PRFC stock will do the same for your portfolio again.
I have to let you know though that I'm not the only one who found out about PRFC today.
A few of my colleagues are aware as well and they are telling their friends and family about it so I must advise you to move fast if you want to buy it.
I think it's trading at just around 15 cents right now, if you wait too long it might be at 30 or even higher and at that time I won't be able to safely advise you to buy it.
You can buy as many shares as you can first thing at market open on Friday or worst case scenario buy it on Monday but move fast.
I know you don't care about what the company does because you know I've done all the due diligence for you already but PRFC is actually amazing and I think it will do much better than even the one I told you about a few months ago.
One of the company's divisions offers mobile software solutions for the gaming industry. The mobile apps allow customers to play lottery and other games of chance and skill on their smartphones.
The software is extremely advanced and could be the backbone of all mobile casinos in the future.
It is expected that the US will legalize online gaming in the near future and this could catapult PRFC to new highs however even without that the company's software is extremely valuable in the rest of the world and could become extremely profitable.
Something big is definitely brewing at the company. I heard something about buy out rumors but I don't have all the details yet I will keep you posted over the coming days or weeks.
Anyway I won't bore you with much more blabber, but if you have a second do check out PRFC. By the way I will be expecting a nice gift from you once you make fat bank on this one and a nice dinner with the wives is in order.
It's been too long since we last spent a good evening over a bottle of wine. I was going to call you to tell you about PRFC but I figured youre probably asleep now with those crazy shifts you've been working. Take care and call me if there's anything.

Talk soon
Your favorite friend and only broker :)

PS: Ich Lösche die immer und Antworte nicht

Al Bundy29
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AW: Seltsame E-Mail bekommen

Beitragvon Al Bundy29 » Fr, 21.02.2014, 17:03:00

Das ist Spam & gleich ab in den Mülleimer ;):peace:

DVD Experte
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AW: Seltsame E-Mail bekommen

Beitragvon Sven » Fr, 21.02.2014, 17:17:19

Ok danke dir mach ich immer :)

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AW: Seltsame E-Mail bekommen

Beitragvon Rolli » Fr, 21.02.2014, 17:28:29

Alles gesagt :)
Gruß Rolli

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AW: Seltsame E-Mail bekommen

Beitragvon Orsi » Fr, 21.02.2014, 18:15:12

Nicht drüber nachdenken Sven und sofort löschen....:)
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AW: Seltsame E-Mail bekommen

Beitragvon Tobi.Borsti » Sa, 22.02.2014, 09:47:03

Nix da, sofort Geld hinüberweisen Sven, die Mail war von mir! :P:P


PS: Spaß beiseite, einfach löschen, solche Mails bekomme ich hunderte im Jahr! :D
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